Photo Credit: Manuka Samarathunga Photography

A Remarkable Evening of Learning and Collaboration at the Colombo National Museum

On March 26, the Colombo National Museum was the site of an inspiring collaborative event and book launch celebrating Ama H. Vanniarachchy’s latest work, ‘Essays on Sri Lanka’s Cultural Heritage.’ The event, co-hosted by the Institute of Archaeology and Heritage Studies, brought together esteemed scholars, professionals, and enthusiasts, all united by their passion for preserving and understanding Sri Lanka’s rich cultural heritage.

Lighting the Traditional Oil Lamp to Commemorate the Beginning

The evening began with a symbolic gesture, as Ama H. Vanniarachchy, Mr. Keerthi Jayasuriya, Prof. Dananjana Gamalath, Mr. Ranjith Hewage, Mr. Manoj Abhayadheera, and Anuradha Piyadasa lit the traditional oil lamp. This auspicious act signified the start of a night filled with insightful discussions, cultural exchange, and the spirit of collaboration.

A Closer Look at Ama H. Vanniarachchy’s Book

Sithani Jayatissa of the Institute of Archaeology and Heritage Studies served as the event’s compere, delivering a warm introduction to both Ama and her book. ‘Essays on Sri Lanka’s Cultural Heritage’ is a timely and important work that delves into the diverse facets of Sri Lankan cultural history, providing readers with a deeper understanding of the island’s rich past.

Exploring the Wider World of Cultural Preservation

Following the introduction, the event featured a message from Professor Brent E. Huffman and a screening of his documentary, “Saving Mes Aynak.” This eye-opening film captivated the audience, shedding light on the urgent need for cultural preservation efforts worldwide.

Professor Sahar Saleem then delivered an engaging online presentation, “Image the Past, See the Future,” in which she shared her experiences in paleo-radiology. Attendees were fascinated by her insights and the groundbreaking techniques used to uncover hidden secrets of the past.

A Lively Q&A Session and Distinguished Guests

The Q&A session that followed was highly engaging, with participants asking thought-provoking questions and sharing their perspectives on the topics discussed. Among the notable attendees were Ven. Vetara Mahinda Thero, General Daya Ratnayke, Prof. Gamini Ranasinghe, Prof. Dananjaya Padmapani Gamalath, Ambassador Sarath Wijesinghe, Prof. Rohan Gunarathne, Mr. Keerthi Jayasuriya, and Mr. Manoj Abhayadheera.

A Successful Collaboration for the Institute of Archaeology and Heritage Studies

The Institute of Archaeology and Heritage Studies was honored to be a part of this enriching, collaborative event. It served as an excellent platform for fostering dialogue and understanding, furthering the institute’s mission of promoting the study and preservation of Sri Lanka’s cultural heritage.

In conclusion, the launch of Ama H. Vanniarachchy’s ‘Essays on Sri Lanka’s Cultural Heritage’ was a resounding success, highlighting the power of collaboration and the importance of preserving our shared cultural history for future generations.