It is with immense pride and excitement that we unveil the remarkable achievement of the Institute of Archaeology and Heritage Studies, as it has been bestowed with the prestigious 2023 Merit Award in the esteemed category of Best University and Education Institute Websites. This recognition serves as a testament to the unwavering dedication and tireless efforts that have been invested into crafting a digital presence that not only resonates with innovation but also aligns with our mission of knowledge dissemination in the fields of history, archaeology and heritage.


Sithani Jayatissa and Anuradha Piyadasa receiving the certificate

The award ceremony held at the Monarch Imperial stands as a milestone etched in memory. The evening was adorned with the brilliance of industry honours and achievers who recognize the importance of harnessing technology to pave the way for educational and cultural enrichment. The ambience was thrilling, carrying within it the echoes of shared aspirations and the triumph of collective endeavours.

Sithani Jayatissa and Anuradha Piyadasa, our dedicated team members, graced the event as our representatives. With heads held high and hearts brimming with pride, they returned, bearing a certificate that embodies the rewards of unwavering diligence and unrelenting commitment. This certificate is adorned with the insignia of 2023 Merit Award symbolizes far more than an award; it stands as a testament to our unyielding dedication to upholding excellence in all facets of our work.

The Institute of Archaeology and Heritage’s tenacious pursuit of knowledge dissemination has not only enriched the academic landscape but has also kindled the fires of curiosity among the digital users of today. This triumph resonates with the spirit of the entire Institute—a spirit nurtured by the relentless pursuit of knowledge, a commitment to excellence, and an unquenchable thirst to make history accessible to all. It’s a triumph of progress marked not only by awards but by the lives touched, the minds enlightened, and the cultural heritage safeguarded.

Yet, this triumph is not a solitary one. It is a shared victory that belongs to every individual who has contributed their expertise, encouragement, and support. It is a triumph that wouldn’t have been possible without the collective strength of our team, collaborators, and the broader community that has rallied behind us.  As we reflect on this achievement, we are reminded that this isn’t the end of the road; it is a stepping stone toward new horizons. The 2023 Merit Award isn’t just an honour; it’s an invitation, a call to continue pushing boundaries, to keep innovating, and to remain steadfast in our commitment to knowledge dissemination and heritage promotion.

In closing, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who have accompanied us on this remarkable journey. Your support has been instrumental in our success, and this triumph reflects your belief in our mission. As we stand at this crossroads, we look forward to a future illuminated by possibilities, driven by innovation, and enriched by preserving our invaluable cultural heritage. Here’s to many more milestones and to a future where the Institute of Archaeology and Heritage Studies continues to shine as a beacon of excellence and inspiration.